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About Us

Many times,  important scientific knowledge stays in the academy, or in the hands of experts, without being accessible to decision makers in the government, state authorities, NGO's or businesses. This leads to resolutions that are based on partial data or no real relevant data at all. In SP Interface (Science-Policy Interface) we link science to real life in the government, in the business sector, in the academy and with NGO's. We specialize in:

  • Remote sensing of Natural Gas leaks and Methane emissions.

  • Environmental Science.

  • Environment and Health.

  • Ecology.

  • Alternative Energy.

  • Argo-ecology.

  • Sustainability.

  • Collaboration with governmental Ministries.

  • Communicating science to non-scientists.

  • Life and Medical Sciences.


All of our experts have a PhD, and are alumni of the Mimshak Science and Policy program, that aims to integrate scientific knowledge and considerations in the government (in the vein of the American AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships Program). We collaborate with other experts when necessary.

The Team:

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Hagit Ulanovsky, PhD

Founding Partner

Daniel Madar, PhD

Founding Partner

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To name a few of our recent projects:

- A national program for biodiversity and open spaces protection, for the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

- Public engagement in implementing renewable energy, and public acceptance for renewable energy facilities. A research funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (2018-2022).

-The first extensive Israeli review on wind turbines effects on the health and the environment. This work and additional works we conducted in this topic, greatly influenced the Ministries of Health and of Environmental Protection to recommend the Planning Administration Authority on minimal distances between wind turbines and residential buildings (2016).

- Energy Recovery from Biomass Waste report. One of the recommendations from this report was approved by the Israeli government in 2014, and led to an addition of 50% electricity quotas for photo-voltaic panels, compared to all the quotas that were approved up to that day (2014).

- 4 research projects for the Ministry of Environmental Protection (2016-2018), in Green Building, Pollution prevention in the Haifa Bay area, and Fuel choices.

- Carrying capacity of range livestock systems project management, for the Ministry of Agriculture (2016-2017).

- Assessment of the Environmental Sciences' R&D field in Israel and beyond, for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (2017-2019).

- Lead a national strategic process to tackle invasive species in Israel (2017-2018).

Our Costumers:

To a list of our costumers (partially in English), click here.

SP Interface's Linkedin page:

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Contact us:

SP Interface

Rehovot, Zip 7610001, ISRAEL


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